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County Code 22.24.010 - 22.24.240


22.24.010 Establishment--Purpose.

The agricultural zones are established to permit a comprehensive range of agricultural use in areas particularly suited for agricultural activities. Permitted uses are intended to encourage agricultural pursuits and such other uses required for, or desired by, the inhabitants of the community. An area so zoned may provide the land necessary to permit low-density single-family residential development, and outdoor recreational and needed public and institutional facilities. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 230, 1927.)

22.24.020 Agricultural zones designated.

As used in this Title 22, “Agricultural zone” means Zone A-1, Zone A-2 or Zone A-2-H. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 231, 1927.)

22.24.025 Use restrictions.

A person shall not use any premises in any agricultural zone except as hereinafter specifically permitted in this Title 22, and subject to all regulations and conditions enumerated in this title. (Ord. 99-0101 § 4, 1999; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 232, 1927.)

22.24.030 Home-based occupations--Regulations.

Home-based occupations may be established in order that a resident may carry on a business activity which is clearly incidental and subordinate to a dwelling unit in an agricultural zone. The establishment of a home-based occupation shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and uses, and shall not adversely change the character of the dwelling unit or detract from the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Every home-based occupation shall be subject to the limitations and standards contained in Section 22.20.020. (Ord. 99-0101 § 5, 1999.)

22.24.035 Keeping or parking of vehicles--Prohibited when.

A. A person shall not keep, store, park, maintain or otherwise permit any vehicle or any component thereof in the front yard, corner side yard and any additional area of a lot or parcel of land situated between the road and any building or structure located thereon, except that the parking of passenger vehicles including pickup trucks, other than a motor home or travel trailer, is permitted on a driveway.
B. A person shall not keep, store, park, maintain or otherwise permit an inoperative vehicle as defined in Section 22.08.220 in any agricultural zone. Inoperative vehicles shall be removed within 30 days from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section.
C. Notwithstanding the above, a person may keep and maintain a historic vehicle collection, provided the director finds it to be in full compliance with Section 22.56.1761. (Ord. 2002-0095 § 4, 2002; Ord. 91-0065 § 6, 1991.)

22.24.040 Wild animals prohibited--Exceptions.

A person shall not keep or maintain any wild animal in any agricultural zone, whether such wild animal is kept or maintained for the personal use of the occupant or otherwise, except that for each dwelling unit the occupant may keep for his personal use:
A. The following wild animals:
-- Tropical fish excluding caribe.
-- White mice and rats.
B. The following wild animals, but in no event more than three such animals in any combination on a lot or parcel of land having an area of less than 10,000 square feet per dwelling unit:

-- Canaries.

-- Chinchillas.

-- Chipmunks.

-- Finches.

-- Gopher snakes.

-- Guinea pigs.

-- Hamsters.

-- Hawks.

-- King snakes.

-- Marmoset monkeys.

-- Mynah birds.

-- Parrots, parakeets, amazons, cockateels, cockatoos, lories, lorikeets, love birds, macaws, and similar birds of the psittacine family.

-- Pigeons.

-- Ravens.

-- Squirrel monkeys.

-- Steppe legal eagles.

-- Toucans.

-- Turtles.

-- White doves.
(Ord. 2006-0019 § 4, 2006; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 232.3, 1927.)

22.24.050 Dogs.

Dogs may be kept or maintained in agricultural zones as follows:
A. A person shall not keep or maintain more than three dogs over the age of four months per dwelling unit in any agricultural zone, whether kept or maintained for the personal use of such person or otherwise.
B. A service dog, as defined in Section 10.20.090 of this Code, shall not be counted toward the number of dogs authorized to be kept or maintained pursuant to subsection A of this Section. (Ord. 2004-0048 § 1, 2004: Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 232.5, 1927.)

22.24.060 Conditional use permits--Additional conditions imposed when.

Every conditional use permit for any use listed in this section shall be subject to additional conditions as listed herein. The hearing officer, in granting the conditional use permit, may not change or modify any of the following, which are conditions of use:
A. Health Retreats.
1. Such retreat shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than two acres.
2. Not more than 10 persons, including staff, patrons and guests, shall be in residence at such retreat at any one time; and
3. All activities shall be conducted as a part of a live-in healthcare program only, the providing of services for persons maintaining residence for less than 24 hours shall be prohibited; and
4. All exercise, gymnasium, therapy and similar equipment, and areas used for sunbathing, shall be located within a building or shall be effectively screened so as not to be visible to surrounding property. Such screening shall consist of walls, screening fences or suitable landscaping; and
5. All patrons shall be transported to and from the premises unless otherwise expressly authorized by the hearing officer; and
6. Where visible to surrounding property, all structures housing such retreat shall be compatible with the dwellings and structures in the vicinity thereof; and
7. No signs shall be permitted in conjunction with such use.
B. Plant Nursery, Retail.
1. Such plant nursery shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than five acres.
2. Products offered for sale shall be limited to nursery stock and related materials incident to the planting, care and maintenance of plants, including fertilizer, pesticides, seeds and planting containers, but shall exclude general building materials, hardware or the sale and rental of tools other than for soil preparation and general landscaping.
3. All storage, display and sale of products other than nursery stock shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building or within an area enclosed by a solid wall or solid fence and gate not less than five feet nor more than six feet in height.
4. No storage shall be higher than the enclosure surrounding it. (Ord. 85-0195 § 9 (part), 1985; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 246, 1927.)

22.24.065 Sale of personal property.

The following supplementary standards shall apply to any person selling personal property at a yard sale, garage sale or similar event at a residence.
A. Items offered for sale shall be limited to personal property not acquired for resale, and either owned by the resident of the dwelling where the sale is to be conducted, or owned by another person participating in the sale with the resident.
B. One on-site advertising sign, having a maximum area of four square feet, may be placed facing each street abutting the residence.
C. A maximum of two personal property sales, each not exceeding three consecutive days, may be conducted at any site in any 12-month period.
D. Personal property sales shall not be conducted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. of one day and 7:00 a.m. of the following day.
E. This section shall not modify the provisions for accessory uses in Section 22.24.080, regarding on-site display, advertising and sale of any products lawfully produced on the same lot or parcel of land. (Ord. 96-0005 § 1, 1996.)


22.24.070 Permitted uses.

Premises in Zone A-1 may be used for:
A. The following uses:

-- Adult residential facilities, limited to six or fewer persons.

-- Crops--field, tree, bush, berry and row, including nursery stock.

-- Family child care homes, large, subject to the procedures and standards provided in subsection A of Section 22.20.021.

-- Family child care homes, small.

-- Foster family homes.

-- Group homes, children, limited to six or fewer children.

-- Residences, single-family, subject to the standards provided in Section 22.20.105.

-- Second units, subject to the provisions of Part 16 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Small family homes, children.
B. The following light agricultural uses, provided that all buildings or structures used in conjunction therewith shall be located not less than 50 feet from any street or highway or any building used for human habitation:

-- The raising of horses and other equine, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, and llamas, including the breeding and training of such animals, on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than one acre and provided that not more than eight such animals per acre of the total ground area be kept or maintained in conjunction with such use.

-- The grazing of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, alpacas, or llamas on a lot or parcel of land with an area of not less than five acres, including the supplemental feeding of such animals, provided:

a. That such grazing is not a part of nor conducted in conjunction with any dairy, livestock feed yard, livestock sales yard or commercial riding academy located on the same premises;

b. That no buildings, structures, pens or corrals designed or intended to be used for the housing or concentrated feeding of such stock be used on the premises for such grazing other than racks for supplementary feeding, troughs for watering, or incidental fencing.

-- Greenhouses on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than one acre.

-- Raising of poultry, fowl, birds, rabbits, chinchilla, nutria, mice, frogs, fish, bees, earthworms, and other similar animals of comparable nature, form and size, including hatching, fattening, marketing, sale, slaughtering, dressing, processing and packing, and including eggs, honey or similar products derived therefrom, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than one acre.
C. Hogs or pigs, provided:
1. That said animals are, as a condition of use, located not less than 150 feet from any highway and not less than 50 feet from the side or rear lines of any lot or parcel of land. This condition shall not apply to pygmy pigs;
2. That said animals shall not be fed any market refuse or similar imported ingredient or anything other than table refuse from meals consumed on the same lot or parcel of land, or grain;
3. That not to exceed two weaned hogs or pigs are kept.
(Ord. 2006-0019 § 5, 2006; Ord. 2004-0030 § 6 (part), 2004; Ord. 2004-0012 § 3 (part), 2004; Ord. 92-0121 § 3, 1992; Ord. 85-0004 § 27, 1985; Ord. 82-0130 § 4 (part), 1982; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 233, 1927.)

22.24.080 Accessory uses.

Property in Zone A-1 may be used for:
A. The following accessory uses, subject to the same limitations and conditions provided in Section 22.20.080 (Zone R-1):

-- Accessory buildings and structures.

-- Animals, domestic and wild, maintained or kept as pets or for personal use as provided in Part 3 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Building materials, storage of.

-- Detached living quarters for guests and servants.

-- Living quarters for servants, attached to such residence.

-- Room rentals.
B. Stands for the display and sale of any products, the production of which is permitted in Zone A-1 by Section 22.24.070, and which have lawfully been produced on such lot or parcel of land, provided:
1. That said stand shall be exclusively of wood-frame construction (except the floor);
2. That said stand shall have a floor area of not more than 300 square feet:
3. That said stand shall be located not nearer than 20 feet from any street or highway upon which such lot or parcel fronts, or adjacent residences;
4. That said stand will be on a parcel of land not less than one acre in area.
C. Signs, as provided in Part 10 of Chapter 22.52. (Ord. 99-0101 § 6 (part), 1999; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 2331, 1927.)

22.24.090 Uses subject to director’s review and approval.

If site plans therefor are first submitted to and approved by the director, premises in Zone A-1 may be used for:
A. The following uses, subject to the same limitations and conditions provided in Section 22.20.090 (Zone R-1):

-- Access to property lawfully used for a purpose not permitted in Zone A-1.

-- Domestic violence shelters, subject to the standards and limitations specified in Section 22.56.1758.

-- Family child care homes, large, where the standards of subsection A of Section 22.20.021 have not been met.

-- Grading projects, off-site transport.

-- Historic vehicle collection, subject to the standards and conditions contained in Section 22.56.1761.

-- Mobilehomes used as a residence during construction.

-- Model homes.

-- Parking lots, as a transitional use.

-- Real estate tract offices, temporary.

-- Residential care facilities.

-- Riding and hiking trails excluding trails for motor vehicles.

-- Shared water wells, subject to the provisions of Section 22.56.1764.
B. The following additional uses:

-- Christmas trees and wreaths, the sale of, between December 1st and December 25th both dates inclusive, to the extent permitted by other statutory and ordinance provisions. Any structures, facilities and materials used for the sale of trees and wreaths shall be removed from the premises by December 31st of the same calendar year, and the property restored to a neat condition.

-- Meteorological towers, temporary, in conformance with the standards and requirements specified in Part 15 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Signs, as provided in Part 10 of Chapter 22.52.
(Ord. 2005-0055 § 2 (part), 2005; Ord. 2004-0030 § 7 (part), 2004; Ord. 2002-0043 § 3, 2002; Ord. 91-0065 § 4 (part), 1991; Ord. 88-0005 § 2 (part), 1988; Ord. 85-0004 § 27, 1985: Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 233.2, 1927.)

22.24.100 Uses subject to permits.

Property in Zone A-1 may be used for:
A. The following uses, provided a conditional use permit has first been obtained as provided in Part 1 of Chapter 22.56, and while such permit is in full force and effect in conformity with the conditions of such permit for:

— Adult day care facilities.

— Adult residential facilities, having seven or more persons.

— Airports.

— Arboretums and horticultural gardens.

— Camps, youth.

— Campgrounds, picnic areas, trails with overnight camping facilities, including fishermen’s and hunters’ camps, but not including structures for permanent human occupancy.

— Child care centers.

— Churches, temples or other places used exclusively for religious worship, including customary incidental educational and social activities in conjunction therewith.

— Colleges and universities, including appurtenant facilities, giving advanced academic instruction approved by the State Board of Education or other recognized accrediting agency, but excluding trade or commercial schools.

— Communication equipment buildings.

— Convents and monasteries.

— Correctional institutions, including jails, farms and camps.

— Density-controlled developments, subject to the conditions of Section 22.56.205.

— Disability rehabilitation and training centers, on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than one acre where sheltered employment or industrial-type training is conducted.

— Earth stations.

— Electric distribution substations and electric transmission substations, including microwave facilities used in conjunction with either.

— Fire stations.

— Gas metering and control stations, public utility, including facilities associated with underground natural gas storage.

— Golf courses, including the customary clubhouse and appurtenant facilities.

— Golf driving ranges.

— Grading projects, off-site transport, where more than 100,000 cubic yards of material is to be transported, subject to the conditions and limitations of Sections 22.56.210 and 22.56.230.

— Grading projects, on-site, but excluding projects where the hearing officer or the board of supervisors have previously considered such grading proposal as indicated by approval of an environmental document incorporating consideration of such grading project.

— Grange halls.

— Group homes, children, having seven or more children.

— Guest ranches.

— Health retreats, subject to the conditions of Section 22.24.060.

— Heavy equipment training schools on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than 100 acres.

— Heliports.

— Helistops.

— Historic vehicle collection, not in full compliance with Section 22.56.1761.

— Hospitals.

— Juvenile halls.

— Land reclamation projects.

— Landing strips.

— Libraries.

— Living quarters for persons employed and deriving a major portion of their income on the premises, if occupied by such persons and their immediate families.

— Microwave stations.

— Mobilehome parks, subject to the conditions of Part 6 of Chapter 22.52.

— Mobilehomes for use by a caretaker and his immediate family, in accordance with Part 6 of Chapter 22.52.

— Mobilehomes used as a residence of the owner and his family during the construction by such owner of a permanent single-family residence, but only while a building permit for the construction of such residence is in full force and effect and in no event longer than one year in addition to that provided for in Section 22.24.090.

— Model homes, except as otherwise provided in Section 22.20.090 in those areas where such uses are specifically mentioned in the general plan.

— Museums.

— Observatories.

— Oil wells.

— Parks, playgrounds and beaches, with all appurtenant facilities customarily found in conjunction therewith.

— Plant nursery, retail, subject to the conditions of Section 22.24.060.

— Police stations.

— Publicly owned uses necessary to the maintenance of the public health, convenience or general welfare in addition to those specifically listed in this section.

— Radio and television stations and towers, but not including studios.

— The raising of horses and other equine, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, and llamas, including the breeding and training of such animals, not subject to the limitations of Section 22.24.070, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than five acres.

— Recreation clubs, private, including tennis, polo and swimming; where specifically designated a part of an approved conditional use permit, such use may include a pro shop, restaurant and bar as appurtenant uses.

— Recreational trailer parks, as provided in Part 6 of Chapter 22.52.

— Residence, caretaker’s; a conditional use permit may be granted for a caretaker’s residence even though the number of existing residences on the lot or parcel of land is the maximum number permitted by Part 2 of Chapter 22.52.

— Residences, senior citizen, subject to the conditions listed in Section 22.56.235.

— Riding academies and stables, with the boarding of horses, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than five acres.

— Rifle, pistol or skeet ranges on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than five acres.

— Road construction and maintenance yards.

— Schools, through grade 12, accredited, including appurtenant facilities, which offer instruction required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the state of California in which no pupil is physically restrained but excluding trade or commercial schools.

— Second units located within any area described in subsection B of Section 22.52.1730, subject to the provisions of Part 16 of Chapter 22.52.

— Sewage treatment plants.

— Signs, as provided in Part 10 of Chapter 22.52.

— Solid fill projects.

— Stations—Bus, railroad, and taxi.

— Storage, temporary, of materials and construction equipment used in construction or maintenance of streets and highways, sewers, storm drains, underground conduits, flood control works, pipelines and similar uses for a period not to exceed one year.

— Subdivision directional signs, subject to the limitations and conditions of Part 8 of Chapter 22.56.

— Telephone repeater stations.

— Theaters, drive-in.

— Townhouses, subject to the conditions of Section 22.56.255.

— Water reservoirs, dams, treatment plants, gaging stations, pumping stations, wells, and tanks, except those wells and tanks related to a shared water well, and any other use normal and appurtenant to the storage and distribution of water.

— Wineries, subject to the conditions of Section 22.56.225.

— Youth hostels.
B. The following uses, provided the specified permit has first been obtained, and while such permit is in full force and effect in conformity with the conditions of such permit for:

— Cemeteries, as provided in Part 4 of Chapter 22.56.

— Explosives storage, as provided in Part 5 of Chapter 22.56.

— Mobilehomes, individual placement of a mobilehome containing one dwelling unit in lieu of a single-family residence on a lot or parcel of land, having as a condition of use the area requirement of the zone but in no case with an area of less than two and one-half acres, as provided in Part 6 of Chapter 22.56.

— Qualified projects, as provided in Part 17 of Chapter 22.52 and Part 18 of Chapter 22.56.

— Rehabilitation facilities for small wild animals, as provided in Part 3 of Chapter 22.56.

— Surface mining operations, as provided in Part 9 of Chapter 22.56.

— Temporary uses, as provided in Part 14 of Chapter 22.56.

— Wind energy conversion systems, non-commercial, in conformance with the standards and requirements specified in Part 15 of Chapter 22.52.
(Ord. 2006-0063 § 9, 2006; Ord. 2006-0019 § 6, 2006; Ord. 2005-0055 § 3 (part), 2005; Ord. 2004-0012 § 5 (part), 2004; Ord. 2002-0043 § 4, 2002; Ord. 2000-0056 § 2, 2000; Ord. 91-0065 § 5 (part), 1991; Ord. 87-0149 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 87-0033 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 86-0170 § 3 (part), 1986; Ord. 85-0195 § 8 (part), 1985; Ord. 85-0004 § 29, 1985; Ord. 83-0007 § 2 (part), 1983; Ord. 83-0006 § 8, 1983; Ord. 82-0005 § 2 (part), 1982; Ord. 82-0003 § 9 (part), 1982; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 233.3, 1927.)

22.24.110 Development standards.

A. Front, side and rear yards shall be provided as required in Zone R-1.
B. Single-family residential uses shall be subject to all development standards applying to Zone R-1, except as otherwise specified in this Title 22.
C. Premises in Zone A-1 shall provide the required area as specified in Part 2 of Chapter 22.52. (Ord. 83-0006 § 9, 1983: Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 233.6, 1927.)


22.24.120 Permitted uses.

Premises in Zone A-2 may be used for:
A. The following uses:

-- Adult residential facilities, limited to six or fewer persons.

-- Crops--Field, tree, bush, berry and row, including nursery stock.

-- Family child care homes, large, subject to the procedures and standards provided in subsection A of Section 22.20.021.

-- Family child care homes, small.

-- Foster family homes.

-- Group homes, children, limited to six or fewer children.

-- Residence, single-family, subject to the standards provided in Section 22.20.105.

-- Second units, subject to the provisions of Part 16 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Small family homes, children.
B. The following agricultural uses, provided all buildings or structures used in connection therewith shall be located not less than 50 feet from any street or highway or any building used or designed for human habitation:

-- Animal hospitals.

-- Animal shelters and pounds.

-- Aquaria.

-- Dairies, including the processing and sale of dairy products from milk lawfully produced on the premises on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than 10 acres.

-- Dog kennels.

-- Dog training schools.

-- Feed mills, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than five acres.

-- Greenhouses, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than one acre.

-- Hogs, the maintenance of not to exceed five weaned hogs or pigs, subject, as conditions of use, to the requirements of subsection C of Section 22.24.070.

-- Livestock feed yards, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than 10 acres.

-- Livestock sales yards, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than five acres.

-- Manure, the spreading, drying and sale of, provided no shaking or pulverizing machinery is used in connection therewith, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than 10 acres.

-- Mushroom farms.

-- The grazing of cattle, horses, sheep, alpacas, llamas, or goats, including the supplemental feeding such animals, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than one acre.

-- The raising of horses and other equine, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas, including the breeding and training of such animals, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than one acre, provided that:

a. On lots or parcels of land having an area of less than five acres, eight such animals may be kept or maintained per acre in conjunction with such use; and

b. On lots or parcels of land having an area of five acres or more, there shall be no limitation as to the number of such animals which may be kept or maintained in conjunction with such use.

-- Raising of poultry, fowl, birds, rabbits, chinchilla, nutria, mice, frogs, fish, bees, earthworms, and other similar animals of comparable nature, form and size, including hatching, fattening, marketing, sale, slaughtering, dressing, processing and packing, and including eggs, honey or similar products derived therefrom, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than one acre.

-- Riding academies and stables, with the boarding of horses, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than five acres.

-- Riding and hiking trails, but excluding trails for motor vehicles.

-- Veterinary.
C. The following uses, provided they are located at least 300 feet from any public park, or any area in any residential zone:

-- Fairgrounds of a public character, when permanently located, including such commercial uses as are normally accessory or appurtenant thereto.

-- Fruit and vegetable packing plants.

-- Linseed, cottonseed and coconut oil processing plants.
D. The following additional uses:

-- Campgrounds, picnic areas, trails with overnight camping facilities, including fishermen’s and hunters’ camps, but not including structures for permanent human occupancy.

-- Camps, youth.

-- Logging operations, involving only the actual controlled cutting and removing of trees with no sawmill operations.

-- Oil wells, including the installation and use of such equipment, structures and facilities as are necessary or convenient for all drilling and producing operations customarily required or incidental to usual oil field practice, including but not limited to, the initial separation of oil, gas and water, and for the storage, handling, recycling and transportation of such oil, gas and water to and from the premises. This subsection does not permit refineries or absorption plants. The use permitted by this subsection is subject to the following conditions, except that by specific action in each instance the commission may waive or modify any one or more of such conditions if it finds that such waiver or modification will not result in material detrimental to the public welfare or to the property of other persons located in the vicinity thereof:

1. Drilling shall not be within 300 feet of any residence, except the residence of the owner of the land on which the well is located, and except a residence located on land which, at the time of the drilling of the well, is under lease to the person drilling the well.

2. If the drilling is within 500 feet of one or more residences except the residence of the owner of the land on which the well is located, and except a residence located on land which, at the time of the drilling of the well, is under lease to the person drilling the well, that:

a. All derricks used in connection with the drilling of the well shall be enclosed with fire-resistant and soundproofing material unless the heads of all families occupying any residence within 1,320 feet (one-quarter mile) of the drilling site, other than of a residence described at the beginning of this subparagraph 2, file a written waiver with the commission;

b. All drilling and pumping equipment shall be operated by muffled internal-combustion engines or by electric motors;

c. Materials, equipment, tools or pipe used for either drilling or producing operations at the well hole shall not be delivered to or removed from the drilling site except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day, except in case of emergency.

3. The derrick used pursuant to this section to drill any well hole or to repair, clean out, deepen or redrill any completed or drilling well, shall be removed within 90 days after completion or abandonment of any well.

4. Within 90 days after abandonment of any well, earthen sumps used in drilling or production, or both, shall be filled, and the drilling site restored as nearly as practicable to its original condition.

5. Any unattended earthen sump located within 1,320 feet (one-quarter mile) of the nearest highway, or within 2,640 feet (one-half mile) of 20 or more residences shall be enclosed with a fence not less than five feet high, mounted on steel posts with not less than three strands of barbed wire around the top. Such fence shall be constructed of woven wire fencing or equivalent of not greater than six-inch mesh.

6. When private roads to wells are constructed, that portion of such roads lying within 200 feet of an oiled or surfaced public highway, or of an existing residence, shall be oiled or surfaced.

7. A well hole, derrick or tank shall not be placed within 20 feet of any public highway.

8. Except as provided in Section 22.24.180, a faithful performance bond of $2,000.00 shall be filed with the board of supervisors for each well for the first five wells. Where more than five wells are drilled, $10,000.00 in bonds shall be the total required of all oil operators. Either such bond shall include as obligees all persons who may be damaged or annoyed by such use, or a policy of insurance shall be filed with the board of supervisors having a maximum amount of recovery not less than the amounts required of a bond, directly insuring all persons who may be damaged or annoyed by such use.

9. All drilling and producing operations shall conform to all applicable fire and safety regulations.

10. Not more than two production tanks, neither to exceed 1,000 barrels capacity, shall remain on the premises following completion of production tests at each well; provided, however, that this condition shall not restrict the maintenance of additional tanks for storage and shipping.

11. Proven technological improvements in drilling and production methods shall be adopted as they may become, from time to time, available if capable of reducing factors of nuisance and annoyance.

12. All drilling and production operations shall be conducted in such a manner as not to constitute a public nuisance.

13. Signs shall not be constructed, erected, maintained or placed on the premises, or any part thereof, except those required by law or ordinance to be displayed in connection with the drilling or maintenance of the well.

14. Suitable and adequate sanitary toilet and washing facilities shall be installed, and maintained to a clean and sanitary condition at all times.

-- Parks, playgrounds and beaches, with all appurtenant facilities customarily found in conjunction therewith.

-- Youth hostels.
(Ord. 2006-0019 § 7, 2006; Ord. 2004-0030 § 6 (part), 2004; Ord. 2004-0012 § 3 (part), 2004; Ord. 85-0004 § 30, 1985; Ord. 82-0130 § 4 (part), 1982; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 242, 1927.)

22.24.130 Accessory uses.

Property in Zone A-2 may be used for:
A. The following accessory uses, subject to the same limitations and conditions provided in Section 22.20.080 (Zone R-1):

-- Accessory buildings and structures.

-- Animals, domestic and wild, maintained or kept as pets or for personal use as provided in Part 3 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Building materials, storage of.

-- Detached living quarters for guests or servants.

-- Home-based occupations, subject to the limitations, standards and conditions contained in Section 22.20.020.

-- Living quarters for servants, attached to such residence.

-- Room rentals.
B. Stands for the display and sale of any products, the production of which is permitted in Zone A-2 by Section 22.24.120, and which have lawfully been produced on such lot or parcel of land provided:
1. That said stand shall be exclusively of wood-framed construction (except the floor).
2. That said stand shall have a floor area of not more than 300 square feet.
3. That said stand shall be located not nearer than 20 feet from any street or highway upon which such lot or parcel fronts, or adjacent residences.
4. That said stand will be on a parcel of land not less than one acre in area.
C. Signs, as provided in Part 10 of Chapter 22.52. (Ord. 99-0101 § 6 (part), 1999; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 242.1, 1927.)

22.24.140 Uses subject to director’s review and approval.

If site plans therefor are first submitted to and approved by the director, premises in Zone A-2 may be used for:
A. The following uses, subject to the same limitations and conditions provided in Section 22.20.090 (Zone R-1):

-- Access to property lawfully used for a purpose not permitted in Zone A-2.

-- Domestic violence shelters, subject to the standards and limitations specified in Section 22.56.1758.

-- Family child care homes, large, where the standards of subsection A of Section 22.20.021 have not been met.

-- Grading projects, off-site transport.

-- Historic vehicle collection, subject to the standards and conditions contained in Section 22.56.1761.

-- Mobilehomes used as a residence during construction.

-- Model homes.

-- Parking lots as a transitional use.

-- Real estate track offices, temporary.

-- Residential care facilities.

-- Shared water wells, subject to provisions of Section 22.56.1764.

-- Wineries, subject to the standards and conditions specified in Section 22.56.1763, except that a conditional use permit shall be obtained as provided in Section 22.56.225 for a winery: (1) which includes winery-related incidental visitor-serving uses, or (2) with an annual production capacity of over 5,000 gallons of wine, or (3) in a hillside management or significant ecological area, or (4) not otherwise in full compliance with Section 22.56.1763.
B. The following additional uses:

-- Child care centers, where operated in conjunction with and incidental to a legally established accredited school offering instruction required to be taught by the Education Code.

-- Christmas trees and wreaths, the sale of, between December 1st and December 25th, both dates inclusive, to the extent permitted by other statutory and ordinance provisions. Any structures, facilities and materials used for the sale of trees and wreaths shall be removed from the premises by December 31st of the same calendar year, and the property restored to a neat condition.

-- Meteorological towers, temporary, in conformance with the standards and requirements specified in Part 15 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Signs, as provided in Part 10 of Chapter 22.52.
(Ord. 2009-0018 § 1, 2009; Ord. 2005-0055 § 2 (part), 2005; Ord. 2004-0030 § 7 (part), 2004; Ord. 2002-0043 § 3, 2002; Ord. 2000-0056 § 3, 2000; Ord. 91-0065 § 4 (part), 1991; Ord. 88-0005 § 2 (part), 1988; Ord. 85-0004 §§ 31, 32, 1985; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 242.2, 1927.)

22.24.150 Uses subject to permits.

Property in Zone A-2 may be used for:
A. The following uses, provided a conditional use permit has first been obtained as provided in Part 1 of Chapter 22.56, and while such permit is in full force and effect in conformity with the conditions of such permit for:

-- Adult day care facilities.

-- Adult residential facilities, having seven or more persons.

-- Airports.

-- Amphitheaters, having a seating capacity of not to exceed 500 seats, but excluding drive-in theaters.

-- Arboretums and horticultural gardens.

-- Athletic fields, excluding stadiums.

-- Child care centers, except as otherwise provided in Section 22.24.140.

-- Churches, temples or other places used exclusively for religious worship, including customary incidental educational and social activities in conjunction therewith.

-- Circus winter quarters.

-- Colleges and universities, including appurtenant facilities giving advanced academic instruction approved by the State Board of Education or other recognized accrediting agency, but excluding trade or commercial schools.

-- Communication equipment buildings.

-- Convents and monasteries.

-- Correctional institutions, including jails, farms and camps.

-- Density-controlled developments, subject to the conditions of Section 22.56.205.

-- Disability rehabilitation and training centers, on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than one acre, where sheltered employment or industrial-type training is conducted.

-- Earth stations.

-- Electric distribution substations, electric transmission substations and generating plants, including microwave facilities used in conjunction with any one thereof.

-- Farm equipment repair shops.

-- Farm equipment--Storage, sales and rental.

-- Farm labor camps.

-- Fertilizer plants.

-- Fire stations.

-- Gas metering and control stations, public utility.

-- Golf courses, including the customary clubhouse and appurtenant facilities.

-- Golf driving range.

-- Grange halls.

-- Group homes, children, having seven or more children.

-- Guest ranches.

-- Heavy equipment training schools, on a lot or parcel of land having, as a condition of use, an area of not less than 100 acres.

-- Health retreats, subject to the conditions of Section 22.24.060.

-- Heliports.

-- Helistops.

-- Historic vehicle collection, not in full compliance with Section 22.56.1761.

-- Hospitals.

-- Juvenile halls.

-- Land reclamation projects.

-- Landing strips.

-- Libraries.

-- Living quarters for persons employed and deriving a major portion of their income on the premises, if occupied by such persons and their immediate families.

-- Menageries, zoos, animal exhibitions or other similar facilities for the keeping or maintaining of wild animals, except as otherwise provided in Section 22.24.160.

-- Microwave stations.

-- Mobilehome parks, subject to the conditions of Chapter 22.52.

-- Mobilehomes for use by a caretaker and his immediate family in accordance with Part 6 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Mobilehomes used as a residence of the owner and his family during the construction by such owner of a permanent single-family residence, but only while a building permit for the construction of such residence is in full force and effect and in no event longer than one year in addition to that provided for in Section 22.24.140.

-- Model homes, except as otherwise provided in Section 22.20.090 in those areas where such uses are specifically mentioned in the general plan.

-- Motion picture sets, including the temporary use of domestic and wild animals in motion picture and television production, provided the wild animals are kept or maintained pursuant to all regulations of the Los Angeles County department of animal control, and are not retained on the premises for a period exceeding 60 days. The director may extend such time period for not to exceed 30 additional days subject to the provisions of Part 12 of Chapter 22.56 on director's review.

-- Museums.

-- Nudist camps.

-- Observatories.

-- Outdoor festivals.

-- Pest control operators.

-- Plant nursery, retail, subject to the conditions of Section 22.24.060.

-- Police stations.

-- Publicly owned uses necessary to the maintenance of the public health, convenience or general welfare in addition to those specifically listed in this section.

-- Public utility service centers.

-- Public utility service yards.

-- Radio and television stations and towers, but not including studios.

-- Recreation clubs, private, including tennis, polo and swimming; where specifically designated a part of an approved conditional use permit, such use may include a pro shop, restaurant and bar as appurtenant uses.

-- Recreational trailer parks, as provided in Part 6 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Refreshment stands, operated in conjunction with and intended to serve the patrons of a use permitted in Zone A-2, but not as a separate enterprise.

-- Residence, caretaker's; a conditional use permit may be granted for a caretaker's residence even though the number of existing residences on the lot or parcel of land is the maximum number permitted by Part 2 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Residences, senior citizen, subject to the conditions listed in Section 22.56.235.

-- Revival meetings, tents.

-- Rifle, pistol, skeet or trap ranges.

-- Road construction and maintenance yards.

-- Rodeos, but not including horse racing.

-- Sawmills, only in conjunction with logging operations.

-- Schools through grade 12, accredited, including appurtenant facilities, which offer instruction required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the State of California in which no pupil is physically restrained, but excluding trade or commercial schools.

-- Second units located within any area described in subsection B of Section 22.52.1730, subject to the provisions of Part 16 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Sewage treatment plants.

-- Signs, as provided in Part 10 of Chapter 22.52.

-- Solid fill projects.

-- Stations--Bus, railroad, taxi.

-- Storage, temporary, or materials and construction equipment used in construction or maintenance of streets and highways, sewers, storm drains, underground conduits, flood control works, pipelines and similar uses for a period not to exceed one year.

-- Subdivision directional signs subject to the limitations and conditions of Part 8 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Telephone repeater stations.

-- Terminals, bus and railroad.

-- Theaters, drive-in.

-- Theaters, amphitheaters having a seating capacity of not to exceed 500 seats, but excluding drive-in theaters.

-- Townhouses, subject to the conditions of Section 22.56.255.

-- Water reservoirs, dams, treatment plants, gaging stations, pumping stations, wells, and tanks, except those wells and tanks related to a shared water well, and any other use normal and appurtenant to the storage and distribution of water.

-- Wild animals, the keeping of, either individually or collectively for private or commercial purposes except as otherwise provided in Section 22.24.160.

-- Wineries, not in full compliance with Section 22.56.1763, subject to the conditions of Section 22.56.225.
B. The following uses, provided the specified permit has first been obtained, and while such permit is in full force and effect in conformity with the conditions of such permit for:

-- Cemeteries, as provided in Part 4 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Explosives storage, as provided in Part 4 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Grading projects, off-site transport, where more than 100,000 cubic yards of material is to be transported, subject to the conditions and limitations of Sections 22.56.210 and 22.56.230.

-- Grading projects, on-site, but excluding projects where the commission or the board of supervisors have previously considered such grading proposal as indicated by approval of an environmental document incorporating consideration of such grading project.

-- Mobilehomes, individual placement of a mobilehome containing one dwelling unit in lieu of a single-family residence on a lot or parcel of land having as a condition of use the area requirement of the zone but in no case with an area of less than two and one-half acres, as provided in Part 6 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Qualified projects, as provided in Part 17 of Chapter 22.52 and Part 18 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Rehabilitation facilities for small wild animals, as provided in Part 3 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Surface mining operations, as provided in Part 9 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Temporary uses, as provided in Part 14 of Chapter 22.56.

-- Wind energy conversion systems, non-commercial, in conformance with the standards and requirements specified in Part 15 of Chapter 22.52.
(Ord. 2009-0018 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2006-0063 § 10, 2006; Ord. 2006-0019 § 8, 2006; Ord. 2005-0055 § 3 (part), 2005; Ord. 2004-0012 § 5 (part), 2004; Ord. 2002-0043 § 4, 2002; Ord. 2000-0056 § 4, 2000; Ord. 91-0065 § 5 (part), 1991; Ord. 87-0149 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 87-0033 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 85-0004 § 33, 1985; Ord. 83-0007 § 2 (part), 1983: Ord. 83-0006 § 10, 1983; Ord. 82-0005 § 2 (part), 1982; Ord. 82-0003 § 9 (part), 1982; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 242.3, 1927.)

22.24.160 Wild animals prohibited--Exceptions.

A person shall not keep or maintain any wild animal in Zone A-2, whether such wild animals are kept or maintained either individually or collectively for either private or commercial purposes except as otherwise provided in Section 22.24.040 or 22.24.150, or as specifically provided herein:
A. The following animals are permitted, provided such animals are kept and maintained at a place where the keeping of domestic animals is permitted:

-- Anoas.

-- Antelopes.

-- Armadilloes.

-- Badgers.

-- Beavers.

-- Camels.

-- Chamoises.

-- Deer.

-- Foxes.

-- Giraffes.

-- Kangaroos.

-- Koalas.

-- Minks.

-- Ostriches.

-- Otters.

-- Peacocks.

-- Porcupines.

-- Prairie dogs.

-- Raccoons.

-- Reindeer.

-- Seals.

-- Wallabies.

-- Zebras.

-- Other similar animals which, in the opinion of the commission, are neither more obnoxious or detrimental to the public welfare than the animals enumerated in this section.
B. If a permit has first been obtained as provided in Part 1 of Chapter 22.56, the following uses, while such permit is in full force and effect and in conformity with the conditions of such permit:

-- Menageries, zoos, animal exhibitions, or other similar facilities for the keeping or maintaining of wild animals.

-- Wild animals, the keeping of, either individually or collectively for private or commercial purposes, except as otherwise provided in subsection A of this section.
(Ord. 2006-0019 § 9, 2006; Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 242.5, 1927.)

22.24.170 Development standards.

A. Front, side and rear yards shall be provided as required in Zone R-1.
B. Single-family residential uses shall be subject to all development standards applying to Zone R-1, except as otherwise specified in this Title 22.
C. Premises in Zone A-2 shall provide the required area as specified in Part 2 of Chapter 22.52. (Ord. 83-0006 § 11, 1983: Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 242.6, 1927.)

22.24.180 Oil wells--Assignment of savings and loan certificates and shares.

In lieu of the bond required by Section 22.24.120, the oil well operator may deposit with the clerk of the board of supervisors and assign to the county savings and loan certificates or shares equal in amount to the required amount of the bond. Such deposit and assignment shall comply with all of the provisions and conditions of Chapter 4.36 of this code. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 243, 1927.)

22.24.190 Oil wells--Insurance agreement.

If an oil well operator deposits and assigns savings and loan certificates and shares in lieu of filing the bond required by Section 22.24.120, and does not file with the board of supervisors the policy of insurance described in said Section 22.24.120, he also shall file a written agreement with the board of supervisors that the county may, and the county may, satisfy, either in whole or in part from such certificates or shares, any final judgment, the payment of which would have been guaranteed by such bond or policy of insurance. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 244, 1927.)


22.24.200 Permitted uses.

Premises in Zone A-2-H may be used for:
A. Any use permitted in Section 22.24.120 (Zone A-2), subject to the same limitations and conditions except as otherwise provided in this zone.
B. The following additional uses:

-- Hog ranches.

-- Fertilizer plants or works.
(Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 245, 1927.)

22.24.210 Accessory uses.

Property in Zone A-2-H may be used for:
A. Any use permitted in Section 22.24.130, subject to the same limitations and conditions. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 245.1, 1927.)

22.24.220 Uses subject to director’s review and approval.

If site plans therefor are first submitted to and approved by the director, premises in Zone A-2-H may be used for:
A. Any use permitted in Section 22.24.140, subject to the same limitations and conditions. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 245.2, 1927.)

22.24.230 Uses subject to permits.

Property in Zone A-2-H may be used for:
A. Any use permitted in Section 22.24.150 (Zone A-2) subject to the same limitations and conditions except as otherwise provided in Section 22.24.200. (Ord. 1494 Ch. 2 Art. 2 § 245.3, 1927.)

22.24.240 Development standards.

Premises in Zone A-2-H shall be subject to the following development standards:
A. The required area shall be provided as specified in Part 2 of Chapter 22.52. (Ord. 83-0006 § 12, 1983.)


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